How to sign up to sell lumispa & buy lumispa wholesale price

 Referring to ageLOC anti-aging products, the name Nu Skin must be known by many people. Nu Skin is a leading multinational company that looks to anti-aging technology for both drink products and beauty equipment.

How to sign up to sell lumispa

  1. Select your country and language :
  2. Create an account
  4. The ‘Register a customer account’ page appears, please fill out the personal information required by the form.

With a history of more than 30 years, Nu Skin Enterprises is today one of the largest direct selling companies in the world and has stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Although only recently entered Vietnam for 6 years, Nu Skin has stormed devotees who love to beautify with cosmetic lines and especially Lumispa face washer has just been honored as the №1 face wash device brand in Vietnam 2018. (Euromonitor). In addition, ageLOC was also voted as the Top 100 Famous Brands in Vietnam 2019.

All Nu Skin products have 2 types of prices — retail price and distributor price (wholesale price). But few consumers know that they can buy wholesale even a single product and the only condition that you must be a member of Nu Skin. All Nu Skin members (whether you are a customer or a distributor) can buy the product at the same price. Usually wholesale prices will be discounted from 10% -30% compared to retail prices — depending on the product strategy in each country Nu Skin company. Currently Nu Skin is available in 55 countries around the world, so buying products is no problem if you are a Nu Skin believer.

The steps below will show you how to create an Nu Skin member account and you should remember that you do not have to pay any cost for membership registration. I will show you how to fill in information in USA/ English .

To help people create accounts globally, I have listed a number of links for each country at the bottom of the page. Everyone reference to quickly select the link of his country offline. If you don’t have the link for your country then follow the steps below — from step 1.

1. Select your country and language

Open the Nu Skin website and select where your country is and the language you want to display.

2. Create an account

From the upper right corner of the screen, select SIGN UP / LOG IN then select the link Register now today / Sign up today

3. Click on the link to CREATE BRAND AFFILIATE ACCOUNT /


There are 2 options for you to create an account, a customer account and a Distributor account.

  • Customer account: for those who only care and want to use the product.
  • Distributor Account: for those who are interested in the product and the business. Particularly in Vietnam and some other countries require business accounts to participate in training and some other paper work. Sponsoring Brand Affiliate ID is requires. If you have not Sponsoring Brand Affiliate ID. You Can Use band Id: VN3520014

Both types of accounts can buy the same product with the same membership price. Personally, you should choose a Distributor account, because if later you want to do business, you do not need to switch accounts.

4. The ‘Register a customer account’ page appears, please fill out the personal information required by the form.

How to fill in the information :

  • Sponsoring Brand Affiliate ID: enter VN3520014 . You must enter this code correctly, this is important information for you to successfully create your account and get the wholesale price .
  • Select account type / SELECT AN ACCOUNT TYPE : this information requires some countries to choose. Please select Individual Brand Affiliate Account
  • All information in bold must be entered (information required)
  • Password / Password : your password rule must contain uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters (! @ # $)

If you select Customer

Continuing near the bottom of the page, you will see ‘ I read, understand and agree to the Vietnam Loyalty Agreement. / ‘

I agree to the terms and conditions of the Brand Affiliate Agreement, the Policies & Procedures and the terms and conditions of this application. — please check the box before this sentence and select the ‘ CONTINUE / CONTINUE ‘ button

If you successfully create an account, the system will display your account information as shown below. You must print or keep a ‘ Preferred Customer Number’ because some countries require you to register an additional copy of your ID with this customer ID to complete account creation.


So you have completed the account creation step. If you successfully create an account, the system will automatically log in to your account (the upper right corner of the site will display your name and membership number) and you will receive a Nu Skin email to notify your account has been created (check the mailbox you registered at account creation offline). Now all products from your online account will display wholesale prices — distributor prices — and you can proceed to buy your favorite genuine products online.

Why should you choose to sign up to sell lumispa?

When deciding to join a company that functions using network marketing, there are many factors to take into consideration. I’ll outline how Nu Skin fulfills all of these criteria and also how it lives up to my expectations.

Based on sustainable trends

Nobody wants to work for a company that goes bankrupt after a couple of years, once your clients depend on their products, and then find yourself having to start again from square one.

💰 And do you know the 3 most profitable markets? The markets that are related to beauty, anti-ageing and weight loss, the financial market and the relationship industry.

Nu Skin is obviously a part of the first market, but also the second considering its multi-level marketing, and in some sense also the third as its products can be used by those who wish to look and feel desirable.

Nu Skin allows you to be a part of a company based on strong and long-lasting trends, and not just on fads. Its American laboratory has 36 years of experience, making it anything but a new company that risks disappearing from one day to the next.

The best of science tied to the best of nature

Nu Skin is the worldwide number one leader in at-home beauty technologies. Their unique and patented products are always at the forefront of innovation.

How is this possible?

75 doctors and scientists work full-time for Nu Skin, aided by 150 researchers.

And the reason why Nu Skin is able to fund this armada of scientists? Because it doesn’t spend a penny on marketing. The money that would be otherwise spent on media and television etc. is all devoted to development.

Now you understand why Nu Skin’s trademark is ‘The best of science tied to the best of nature’.

🍃 Speaking of nature, the products are made in a controlled agricultural environment : that means that only 3% of water is used, the products are free from pesticides and heavy metals… Basically the company has strong environmental values.

Nu Skin offers three types of products :

The technologies, which are the core of the company (LumiSpa, ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa and ageLOC Galvanic Spa)

Skincare products, such as face creams

Nutritional products such as food supplements

Nu Skin, an MLM company listed on the stock exchange

On top of the many years the company has existed, another reassuring factor is that Nu Skin is listed on the New York stock exchange and it is possible to look up all the company’s sales figures on Google.

📈 According to recent statistics, the company’s turnover was 2,4 billion. As a side note, the turnover doubled during the 2018 financial crisis and we are waiting to find out the figures after the 2020 health crisis (but I can tell you now that they will be extremely positive). And if you look at the 2020 list of top-earning MLM companies, Nu Skin is in 7th position!

🌐 The company is also present in 50 countries, which opens up the possibility of international business.

Strong values

Finally, Nu Skin has recently been rewarded for its social and environmental initiatives. I highly value this on a personal level. I didn’t want to get involved with a company that was only interested in making money.

There is a lot more to add on this subject so feel free to get in contact with me if you want to find out more, but to give you an example, Nu Skin created the Force for Good Foundation which sets up humanitarian projects to raise funds which go towards improving the lives of children in need.

Freelance, but never alone

Nu Skin is also a real human adventure and teamwork is rewarded.

We often assume that working freelance is a very lonely venture, but as you can see from my experience with Karine, you’re never really on your own when it comes to Nu Skin.

First and foremost, there is your sponsor who invites you into the business, guides you in your first steps and offers you ongoing support. This is the case for me and Karine, who I consider to be my sponsor but also my Super Coach who has taught me everything and continues to do so, and she has also become a friend. 🤗

Sometimes, you can also count on your sponsor’s team, as well as the whole team of Nu Skin distributors in your country who you can connect with via private Facebook groups. And maybe one day, you can also count on your own team of distributors if you become a sponsor to others !

Work rewarded with travel opportunities

Just as a company can offer various advantages and incentives to its employees, Nu Skin has its own way of rewarding distributors.

Except a normal employer would probably never say : ‘hey, Catherine, your work has been excellent this year, what about an all-inclusive holiday to a private island in Croatia for you and a friend paid for by the company.’

But this is exactly what Nu Skin offers once or twice per year. Yes, you have the chance to win two holidays per year accompanied by the other distributors and a guest of your choice to reward your hard work ! And not only are all the costs covered by Nu Skin, they also take care of all the organisation and plan surprise events… 🎉

✈️ I’m actually in the process of trying to qualify for a trip to Mauritius in September 2021. How would you like to come too?😉

Is Nu Skin right for you?

If you answer ‘YES’ to the following questions, then I can safely say that becoming a Nu Skin distributor is right for you :

Are you looking for additional income OR real financial freedom?

Are you interested in the idea of having your own business and being your own boss? (but maybe you’ve hit the brakes on the idea of going at it completely alone)

Do you dream of working from anywhere in the world and being able to change countries whenever you want?

Are you ambitious, motivated and love new challenges?

Yes, yes, yes and another yes? Let’s carry on to the final part of this article then…

How you can become a part of my Nu Skin team

So, you’ve decided you want to join the Nu Skin adventure and become a distributor? Or are you still not sure and want to ask some more questions before deciding whether to take the leap?

📧 If that’s the case, leave me a comment down below  and tell me either ‘YES , I want to become a distributor!’ or ‘I still have some questions…’

I’m currently looking for people to join my team, and with the holiday to Mauritius to win… I’m more motivated than ever! So don’t hesitate to contact me! 😄

What you can expect when you join my team

My personalised support as well as the support of my sponsor Karine, to help you become successful with Nu Skin

The ability to access lots of helpful resources that you won’t find anywhere else

Access to private Facebook groups for distributors and clients of Nu Skin

Click here to join (You need provide your Registered Nu Skin Name and Distributor ID)

A team that supports each other and organises special Zoom events for our clients

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